
Showing posts from October, 2019

Welcome, and On Being Cold

I have a lot of stupid thoughts that nobody wants to hear constantly running through my head, so I thought I would start a blog just so I have someplace to put them. And then, if any of my friends actually are interested in my mind jumbles, they can come here and read it on their own time. This is basically how I used my Livejournal back in the day, and I find I really miss having a low-stakes outlet for my thoughts. I have no desire to post on a schedule or create any kind of ongoing series or really do anything with any type of constraints at all. Any time I commit to anything with a sense of obligation I almost always have instant regret, so I'm telling myself in advance that I'm not going to feel bad about myself if this is literally the only post I make to this page. It doesn't matter! Now that I've ~set the tone~ for this page, I'm going to complain about cold things, probably my favorite subject to complain about. Ice water. Lately I've been ranting